The structure that body fat burns

The structure that body fat burns

The structure that body fat burns

It is a chance to move a body I do it, and to put up temperature to burn body fat.

An ingredient called glucagon is secreted by a rise in temperature that blood sugar level falls and stabilizes the blood sugar level that fell down.

With it, body fat is made glycerin and a fatty acid by action of lipolysis enzyme lipase.

It is burnt in blood, and the fatty acid becomes the necessary energy source for activity.

When I exercise, I move muscle, but the energy necessary to move muscle is a fatty acid and has been carried on blood.

A rise in temperature and a drop of the blood sugar level have the points in the structure that body fat burns.

When the blood sugar level becomes the hunger state, I withdraw and can lower the blood sugar level by giving temperature by exercising.

Energy of approximately 7,000 kilocalorie is said to be need to burn 1 kg of body fat.

It will be that it can calculate from a number that I exercise or am dieted in grazing that I reduce a meal that I is equivalent to 7,000 kilocalorie.

It is said that the considerable days suffer before the diet finishes burning with body fat not a thing made momentarily.

It is to think about a method to promote fat combustion to let you go on a diet to decrease body fat.

Because it does not injure health, it is important にも, to practice diet to burn with body fat slowly without overdoing it.


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